Mehdi Zouitine

Mehdi Zouitine

MSc Student in Applied maths

University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier


Hey, everybody! My name’s Mehdi Zouitine 👦 ! I’m a 2nd year master student of applied mathematics!
I’m interested in subjects around mathematics 📈 and computer science 💻 , from theoretical mathematics to programming!
My university background 🏫 is a mix of mathematics (theoretical and applied) and computer science.

Outside of class I love sports, spending time with my friends and of course science! I’m also a big fan of combat sports ⚽ !


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Science
  • Pure Matematics


  • Msc 2 in Statistics/AI, 2020-2021

    Toulouse School of Economics

  • Msc 1 in Applied Matematics, 2019-2020

    University Paul Sabatier

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2016-2019

    University Paul Sabatier

  • BSc in Pure Matematics, 2016-2019

    University Paul Sabatier



Applied and fundamentals

Computer science

Theoretical and Programming

Machine learning

Theory and programming [DL,(MA)RL,ML]



Apprentice in Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning

IRT Saint-Exupéry

Sep 2020 – Oct 2021 Toulouse, France

Research apprenticeship in MARL. Responsibilities include:

Research in Multi-agent Deep reinforcement learning

  • Bibliography and state of the art
  • Implementation of reinforcement learning algorithm : PPO, A2C
  • High Performance computing
  • Implementation of gym multi-agent environnements

Inter in Deep learning for flight test data


Jun 2020 – Sep 2020 Toulouse, France

Research internship in deep learning to detect anomalies in test flight data. Responsibilities include:

  • Deep learning on flight test data
  • Sensor value prediction using MLP and LSTM
  • Study the efficiency of Siamese networks for the detection of anomalies in time series
  • Communication and presentation of results to industry experts


1st place in the Continental hackathon 2019

2 days machine learning competitions to predict the energy consumption of an electric car. Meeting with Continental’s teams and presentation of our solution to Continental’s leaders.

Finalist in the International Data Analysis Olympiad 2020

IDAO is an international competition of machine learning for students from all over the world with more than 2700 participants from 83 countries. One off-line phase and one on-site phase in Russia in 2021.

Recent Posts

Why I should 1 : Divide by spectral norm [ARTICLE IN PROGRESS DONT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY]

The idea of this series of very short articles (Why I should) is to explain some commonplace in machine learning. Simply explain common tricks with mathematical arguments. Let’s dive into the spectral norm !

Knowledges vault

Here is a small post that presents some books, pdf’s and articles that have helped me in my quest for knowledge. Ressource for Mathematics Analysis: [VIDEO] Very kind topic in Analysis 🇫🇷 Probability :

Multi-agents Reinforcement Learning

Understand Multi Agent Reinforcement learning (MARL) : An introduction to Grid Wise Control Hi ! In this post I will explain to you one of the most efficient method for multi-agent reinforcement learning.

Group Equivariant Convolutional Networks

In progress… 🔧 🔧 🔧 🔧
