Why I should 1 : Divide by spectral norm [ARTICLE IN PROGRESS DONT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY]

The idea of this series of very short articles (Why I should) is to explain some commonplace in machine learning. Simply explain common tricks with mathematical arguments. Let’s dive into the spectral norm !

Knowledges vault

Here is a small post that presents some books, pdf’s and articles that have helped me in my quest for knowledge. Ressource for Mathematics Analysis: [VIDEO] Very kind topic in Analysis 🇫🇷 Probability :

Multi-agents Reinforcement Learning

Understand Multi Agent Reinforcement learning (MARL) : An introduction to Grid Wise Control Hi ! In this post I will explain to you one of the most efficient method for multi-agent reinforcement learning.

Group Equivariant Convolutional Networks

In progress… 🔧 🔧 🔧 🔧